
I searched for someone but found nothing?

As we are a newer site, we are always seeking to add new reviews. As we grow, there will surely be more reviews adding overtime, and you will be able to verify which ever customer you are searching for.

Is this site for contractors only?

While it is mainly geared towards contractors right now, we are evolving and expanding our capabilities and will eventually make this site usable for just about any type of business.

Am I able to sign up for free?

Yes you can. Your initial membership to leave a review is free. Your report about a customer will help other business people connect with the right customers, avoid the wrong customers, and you can contribute to that endeavor for free.

What Are The Benefits of a Paid Membership Subscription?

The single biggest benefit is the ability to read reviews. It is the very principle of why Impact Customer Reviews exists. You are able to do business with customers that have been verified by high ratings, and spare yourself the time, efforts and financial liability by learning about which customers to avoid. Also your benefits include access to attorneys if you’re in need of legal assistance, email tips on how to run your business more effectively, and more.

Do I want to only review customers that I have not had the best experience with?

No. We strongly encourage reviews for good customers that you’ve had the pleasure of doing business with. This site is not just dedicated to exposing the bad customers, but also highlighting the good ones.

How do I pay?

We currently only accept major debit or credit cards Visa, Mastercard, Discovery, and American Express.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes. Although we strongly encourage business owners who are able to read reviews that keeping their monthly or yearly subscriptions can be vital for their business in saving them potentially thousands of dollars by not doing business with a deadbeat customer,  there are no contracts, and you can cancel at any time from within your account.

My credit card is about to expire / How do I change what credit card gets billed?

You can delete and add new credit cards from within your account billing management page.